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Corporate Conferences & Retreats

Rosslyn Bay Resort offers the perfect location and facilities for your next Corporate Conference or Retreat. Let our professional team help empower your staff to be the best they can be. Our wellness consultants have a holistic health and wellness focus.  Which means we not only can help you to be physically healthy but they also focus on nurturing healthy minds, and cultivating cohesive and supportive teams.


At Rosslyn Bay Resort, your group can choose from a wide range of holistic therapists including: wellness coaches, massage and beauty therapists, yoga and meditation teachers, exercise physiologists, nutritionists, even a tour to our permaculture organic farm for a lecture from our organic gardener and more.

Group sessions and workshops may include health and wellness topics such as:

  • Success coaching 

  • Stress management

  • Goal setting

  • Positive psychology and developing resiliency

  • Team building

  • Personal wellness and exercise education

  • Creating healthy workplaces

  • Work life balance

  • Nutrition and healthy cooking

  • And more!

Your Corporate Retreat can be structured around work-based sessions that you have planned with some health and wellness topics added

or can be completely health and wellness focused – each retreat can be personalised to your organisation’s desired outcomes and purpose.

There is a variety of accommodation options available at Rosslyn Bay Resort.

conference hire yeppoon


Contact us today to learn more about how we can make your next corporate conference or retreat a success.

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